A number of Brian Abel Ragen’s essays are available through online databases, many of which are available free of charge to those with access to academic and public libraries. Many library sites offer users the opportunity to search all available data databases. It usually saves time to search for most of a title and to enclose that within quotation marks.

Among the pieces available online are:

“Semiotics and Heraldry” —
Available at DeepDye.com.

“Do Facts Matter on a CD-ROM” —
Available through Questia.com.

“Grace and Grotesques: Recent Books on Flannery O’Connor” —
Available through Ebsco Host Connection.

“Gypsies, Saint, and Squirrels: Remembering Jane Zatta. —
Available through Britianica.com

“Lessons of Biden’s Plagiarism” — Available through Proquest: Newstand and other databases.